A young man from Asia is in the final year of his dual training at a medium-sized company in Jena. The company advertises itself with its commitment to diversity and equal opportunities, among other things.
Nevertheless, he experiences unequal treatment within the company: He is deployed far more often for mere unskilled labor than non-migrant trainees. At the same time, his work results are judged particularly harshly.
The young man describes the fact that he is regularly subjected to racist abuse by a colleague as particularly stressful. Insults such as "shitty foreigner" and "rice eater" are part of his everyday life. He drew the colleague's attention to the fact that his behavior was racist and hurtful. The colleague replies that he "doesn't give a shit" and admits to being a racist.
What is particularly bitter in this situation is that both the training manager and other colleagues, who regularly witness the insults, do not react. They look the other way, remain silent and thus contribute to the racist working environment.
The young man fears even worse disadvantages if he defends himself against the discrimination. His apprenticeship will soon be over. It is clear to him that he will then leave the company immediately.
Find out more about the campaign here.