
The anti-racism campaign #JenaSchauHin was created in close cooperation between civil society and the city administration and thrives on this.

For this reason, actions within the framework of the campaign, cooperation events or third-party events in Jena that raise awareness of anti-racism work will be announced or reported here.

Would you like to publish your event here? Are you interested in a cooperation or would you like to find out about the possibilities of financial support for your campaign?

Please contact us.


Eine Person betrachtet die Kacheln mit den Ausstellungs-Texten.

Ausstellung "Was ihr nicht seht"

Anlässlich der Internationalen Wochen gegen Rassismus zeigt die Ernst-Abbe-Bücherei Stadtmitte bereits zum zweiten Mal die Ausstellung zum Thema Alltagsrassismus. "Was ihr nicht seht" dokumentiert alltägliche Rassismus-Erfahrungen Schwarzer Menschen in Deutschland. Der Ravensburger Dominik Lucha hat sie auf seinem gleichnamigen Instagram-Kanal gesammelt und dokumentiert. Die Ausstellung sensibilisiert für Formen von Diskriminierung und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen.

Interessierte Schulklassen können "Was ihr nicht seht" nach Voranmeldung unter vormittags besuchen.

Die Ausstellung ist Interessierten ab 14 Jahren zugänglich.
Wann: 18.03. bis 21.03.2024 von 14:00 bis 18:00 Uhr 
Wo: EAB Stadtmitte, Helene-Petrenz-Saal, Engelplatz 2, 07743 Jena 

Autorinnen-Lesung "Mama Superstar" am 21.03.2025

Die Autorinnen Melisa Manrique und Manik Chander, Gewinnerinnen des Deutschen Integrationspreises, sind in Jena zu Gast. Sie lesen aus ihrem Buch „Mama Superstar“, das elf mutige »Migrant Mamas« aus der Sicht ihrer deutschen Töchter porträtiert. Es geht um Sprache, Arbeit, Kultur und Bildung. Es geht um neue Perspektiven und die Sichtbarkeit der migrantischen Künstlerinnen-Community. Aber vor allem geht es um bedingungslose Liebe, kulturelle Vielfalt und gelebte Integration. Mit diesem Buch feiern Töchter ihre Mütter: Frauen, die von überall auf der Welt nach Deutschland gekommen sind, um hier eine neue Heimat zu finden. 

Interessierte sind herzlich zur kostenfreien Lesung am Freitag, den 21.03.2025, um 15:00 Uhr in den Helene-Petrenz-Saal der Ernst-Abbe-Bücherei, Engelplatz 2 eingeladen.

Selbstverständlich gibt es Gelegenheit, mit den Autorinnen ins Gespräch zu kommen oder Bücher signieren zu lassen.

Die Veranstaltung ist eine Aktion der Kommunalen Antidiskriminierungsstelle Jena, dem Team von „My Migrant Mama“ und der Ernst-Abbe-Bücherei im Rahmen der Kampagne #JenaSchauHin während der Internationalen Wochen gegen Rassismus.


Volltextalternative: "Mama Superstar" Lesung in der EAB, My Migrant Mama, eab ernst-abbe-bücherei JenaKultur., Jena Lichtstadt., #JenaSchauHin Gemeinsam gegen Rassismus. 

Buch Mama Superstar sowie die beiden Autorinnen und eine Gruppe von Menschen, die das Buch präsentieren

Logo Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus, 100% Menschenwürde, Zusammen gegen Rassismus

Campaign motifs in the city

Since 14.03.2024, the #JenaSchauHin motifs can be found regularly in public spaces. Especially during the International Weeks against Racism from 11 to 24 March 2024, around the day of remembrance of Enver Şimşek on 11 September 2024 or during the Intercultural Week from 22 to 29 September 2024, we want to raise awareness and draw attention to the problem of everyday racism.

Tag der Vielfalt 2025

Am 27.05.2025 feiert Jena den Tag der Vielfalt! 

Zahlreiche Einrichtungen, Organisationen und Vereine setzen gemeinsam ein Zeichen für Diversität und Chancengleicheit. Auch wir werden am bundesweiten Diversity Tag wieder dabei sein, zu einem Perspektivwechsel einladen und natürlich auf unsere Kampagne #JenaSchauHin aufmerksam machen. Mehr Informationen gibt es unter Tag der Vielfalt.

Wann: 27.05.2025, 14:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Wo: auf den Flächen am Holzmarkt, Ecke Löbderstraße/Nonnenplan und im StadtLab, 07743 Jena


Tag der Vielfalt

zwei in ihren Bestandteilen vielfältig zusammengesetzte Figuren und Sprechblase mit Text Tag der Vielfalt


Banner am Holzmarkt mit dem Signet der Kampagne #JenaSchauHin

Campaign motifs in the city

Since 14.03.2024, the #JenaSchauHin motifs can be found regularly in public spaces. Especially during the International Weeks against Racism from 11 to 24 March 2024, around the day of remembrance of Enver Şimşek on 11 September 2024 or during the Intercultural Week from 22 to 29 September 2024, we want to raise awareness and draw attention to the problem of everyday racism.

Exhibition "What you don't see"

As part of Intercultural Week 2024, the Ernst Abbe Library in Jena is hosting an exhibition on the topic of everyday racism.
"Was ihr nicht seht!" (WINS) is a project by Dominik Lucha from Ravensburg. Under this title, Lucha has created an Instagram channel on which black people anonymously report on their everyday experiences of racism in Germany.

Lucha has also developed an exhibition under the same name. More than 20 tiles depict the personal experiences of non-white people. The channel and the exhibition are intended to help black people understand that they are not alone in their experiences. It also aims to raise awareness of the issue of everyday racism.
The exhibition is intended to raise awareness of these and other forms of discrimination and encourage people to discuss and reflect on how they can counter them. There are recommendations for action with tips on how to behave and act in such situations.

When: 24.09. to 27.09.2024 from 15:00 to 18:00
Where: EAB Stadtmitte, Helene-Petrenz-Saal, Engelplatz 2, 07743 Jena

zwei Personen sehen sich eine Kachel an, auf der im Rahmen der Ausstellung WINS eine persönliche Erfahrung eines Schwarzen Menschen mit Rassismus geschildert wird

Grafik zeigt vier vielfältige junge Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte und kündigt Workshop am 28. September 2024 an

Empowerment workshop for young people

In cooperation with the AntiRaktiv project, we offer young people with a history of migration between the ages of 15 and 29 the opportunity to take part in a workshop free of charge.

Teenagers and young people often face challenges that their peers without a migration background do not. This makes it all the more important that they become aware of their own identity and confidently define their place in society. They are the driving force in the fight against everyday racism and discrimination!

In our workshop, we would like to support you in recognizing your role in the racism debate. You will be encouraged to get actively involved in the political landscape and bring about change in our society.

When: 28.09.2024, 10:00 - 16:00
Where: in Jena (The exact location will be announced by email after registration.)

Registration here!

Empowerment workshop for women

In cooperation with the AntiRaktiv project, we were able to offer migrant women the opportunity to take part in a workshop free of charge.

In the "Empowerment workshop: Recognizing and dealing with everyday racism", we learned together how to recognize and deal with discrimination. It was about strengthening each other, taking the courageous step to change and standing up together against racism! Many thanks to all participants!

When: 14.09.2024, 10:00 - 16:00
Where: in Jena (The exact location was announced by email after registration.)

Grafik zeigt vier vielfältige Frauen mit Migrationsgeschichte und kündigt Workshop am 14. September 2024 an

Straßenschild Enver-Şimşek-Platz vor Bäumen

Memorial service for Enver Şimşek

A memorial service for Enver Şimşek was held again this year on the anniversary of his death on September 11. He was the first of ten murder victims of the NSU, which spread its right-wing terror from Jena. The Anti-Discrimination Agency was also present at Enver-Şimşek-Platz on this occasion and, as part of the anti-racism campaign, drew attention to the fact that it is more important than ever to highlight the dangers of everyday racism. Following the commemorative event, there was a joint discussion and exchange with interested students, the Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, district mayor Markus Meß and KoKont employees in the rooms of the Bonhoeffer parish.

When: 11.09.2024, 16:00
Where: Enver-Şimşek-Platz, Jena-Winzerla

Action by the Migration and Integration Advisory Board

The Migration and Integration Advisory Board of the City of Jena has already closely supported the development of the 10-point action plan against racism and the resulting #JenaSchauHin campaign. From 22.03.2024, the members of the advisory board showed their support for the campaign with their own campaign in the city area and set an example against racism.

Unterstützung MIB

bunte Margerite

International Weeks against Racism in Winzerla

From March 11 to 24, 2024, KoKont and the ThINKA project offered a meeting place every day from 12:00 to 17:00 where interested people could talk about human rights over coffee and snacks. The store space in Anna-Siemsen-Straße 27 was made available for this purpose by jenawohnen.

In addition to many interesting conversations, special highlights included offers specifically for children and young people as well as reports from EXIT Germany on how to join and leave the far-right scene.

"Racism and the media" workshop

An internal workshop on the topic of "Racism and the media" was held on 13.03.2024. It was aimed at employees of the city administration and municipal enterprises who are active in public relations.

Together with speaker Dr. Sünje Paasch-Colberg, research assistant for the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor (NaDiRa) at DeZIM, they developed elements of a constructive, safe approach to racism-critical reporting.



Kick-off event for the #JenaSchauHin campaign

On 12.03.2024 at 17:00, the motifs of the anti-racism campaign were presented to invited guests for the first time in the historic town hall. In addition to representatives of the media, the people who initiated the city of Jena's 10-point action plan against racism and thus the #JenaSchauHin campaign were also invited: Members of the City Council, the Migration and Integration Advisory Board, the Steering Group for the implementation of the 10-point action plan, the Jena Network for Migration and the Round Table for Democracy. Thank you for your support!